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MTh Theses

Towards an Integration of the Nuba Tira Traditional Spiritual Leadership with the Biblical Leadership Principles of Nehemiah

Author: Alu, Fajak Avajani Angalo
This study is an integration of the Tira traditional spiritual leadership with Christianity by biblical application of the leadership principles of Nehemiah. This integration provides…

Communicating the Good News in China today: realistic expectations for foreign believers

Author: Anderson, Peter Stafford
China is experiencing breath-taking economic development and social change, and the Chinese people are at a spiritual crossroads. This thesis looks at Christianity in China…

Towards a Model for Contextualising Christianity in the Nchumuru Culture in Ghana: The Impact of Mother Tongue Scriptures from 1989-2011

Author: Asewie, Bernard Amadu
This thesis, Towards a Model of Contextualising Christianity in the Nchumuru Culture in Ghana: The impact of mother tongue Scriptures from 1989-2011, is a study…

The Polemical Narure of Stephen’s Speech to the Sanhedrin in Acts 7

Author: Aslett, Duane
The nature and purpose of Stephen‟s speech to the Sanhedrin has been much debated by scholars and theologians. One of the troubling aspects of the…

The Tabernacle as a Heuristic Device: The Christology of Hebrews

Author: Asumang, Annang
The Christological argument of the epistle to the Hebrews is presented as a series of comparisons and contrasts of Jesus the Son of God and…

Pastoral Care in a Clinical Setting: The Role Hospital Chaplaincy Plays as Part of a Broader Medical Team.

Author: Atherstone, Devin
The research discusses the manner in how hospital chaplains can form part of a broader medical team, in two medical institutes in Somerset West, Western…

A Survey of the Relationship Between the Principle of Liberty of Conscience and the Doctrine of Scripture in the Baptist Union

Author: Aucamp, Casper Andrew
Baptists are well known for two principles, namely the primacy of the Scriptures, and liberty of conscience. The Baptist Union of Southern Africa (BUSA) has…

Towards an Approach for Ministry to Church Members involved in Mortuary Rituals in Kejom Ketingu (North West Cameroon).

Author: Babila-boer, Truus
The need for this thesis became apparent while interacting with students during training courses organized by SIL (the field branch of Wycliffe Global Alliance) and…

Los estilos y competencias de liderazgo en el capítulo 15 del libro de los Hechos para el contexto de la segunda década del siglo XXI en España.

Author: Barrachina Palau, Maria
El presente estudio tiene como objeto investigar sobre el liderazgo de la iglesia evangélica en España y Europa. Hoy vivimos cambios importantes a nivel social,…

Critiqueof the New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures Treatment of Jesus Christ

Author: Baumgarten, Kenneth J.
Since shortly after its initial publication in 1950, The New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures (NWT), has been the subject of critical examination…

(Spanish) Cómo pensar la misión de la iglesia contemporánea, a los 40 años del Pacto de Lausana, en el contexto urbano de las ciudades latinoamericanas

Author: Bedrossian, Ricardo
Agradezco especialmente a mi esposa Mily Fernández Bedrossian, por su compañía incondicional y permanente en todos mis proyectos, y en particular, en este trabajo. A…

Sustained church planting as a primary means of fulfilling the Great Commission, with special reference to New Covenant

Author: Black, Malcolm Mcpherson
This study examines the Biblical pattern for church planting as a primary means of fulfilling the Great Commission. David Bosch (1980:184) once said: “…it is…

Numbers 24:17: A Messianic prophecy, or simply a reference to an earthly king?

Author: Blackman, Nelia
The Balaam narratives are considered a source of fascination by many because of the comical tale of Balaam and his donkey. The narratives will however…

An exegetical and theological analysis of Romans 8:18-30 with specific reference to the role of the Holy Spirit in intercession

Author: Boddy, Brenda
In John 14:16, Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as ‘another Helper’, who would abide with His disciples, and thus all believers, forever. But, in…


Author: Bradley Aron Cooper
This study is an attempt to introduce the Biblical concept of Revival in the Desert and through it to provide guidelines for today’s Church with…

A Critical Analysis of the Doctrine of Salvation in Free Evangelical Assemblies in Swaziland: A Contextualised Theology.

Author: Buthelezi, Jerome Sicelo
This study is a critical analysis of the doctrine of salvation, which is one of the central themes of the scriptures and core message of…

El Liderazgo De Los Adolescentes Entre Los Doce y Diecisiete Años De Edad En El Desarrollo De Proyectos Sociales Cristianos

Author: Cabezas Mora, Alexander
Esta investigación pretende evaluar las principales funciones, características y capacidades del liderazgo en las personas menores de edad con otros menores.


Author: Casper Andrew Aucamp
Baptists are well known for two principles, namely the primacy of the Scriptures, and liberty of conscience. The Baptist Union of Southern Africa (BUSA) has…

Global Christianity: Trends in Mission and the Relationship with Non-Western Missionaries Working Cross-Culturally in Thailand

Author: Charles, Joseph Paul
The church in the West, in the modern era of missions, has played the lead role in sending out missionaries and working cross-culturally. At the…

Die Evangelisation unter Kindern und die strukturgenetische Stufentheorie zur Entwicklung des religiösen Urteils

Author: Christian Pletsch
Die Evangelisation unter Kindern ist für mich ein Thema, mit dem ich als Leiter eines Kindermissionswerkes ständig zu tun habe. Trotzdem gibt es nur wenige…

The Decline in the North African Church With Reference to the State of the Church From 100 AD to 640 AD

Author: Coombs, Richard John
The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the reasons for the decline in the North African Church. It is generally considered that the spread…

Revival in the Desert

Author: Cooper, Bradley Aron
This study is an attempt to introduce the Biblical concept of Revival in the Desert and through it to provide guidelines for today’s Church with…

El Padrenuestro como base bíblica de la missio Dei. Una respuesta teológica a la crisis socioeconómica del siglo XXI.

Author: Cortes, Miguel
This thesis focuses upon the great financial crisis which occurred at the beginning of the twenty-first century following the burst of the American property bubble…

The Effects of Absent Fathers in Spreading HIV/AIDS and the Role of the Church in Swaziland

Author: Curle, Neville I
The Nation of Swaziland is steadily losing its understanding of fatherhood as hundreds of thousands of children are born into this world not knowing what…

Christocentricity without Christoconformity: An Evaluation of the Healing Ministry of Jesus

Author: De Carvalho, Jose Antonio
This research project brings together two areas of deep personal interest to the researcher: physical healing and Christ-centred hermeneutics. The point of synergy between the…

Apóstoles evangélicos en el siglo XXI: una crítica desde la teología reformada (Evangelical Apostles in the 21st century: a critique from Reformed theology)

Author: Di Giovanna, Guillermo Eduardo
En el presente trabajo el autor indaga sobre el concepto apostolicidad en la historia del cristianismo, como signo distintivo de la vida de las iglesias…

A Biblical-Theological Critique of the Emerging Church’s Epistemology

Author: Diener, Walter A. Iii
The Emerging Church (EC) is a loosely connected group of Christians involved in ―conversations‖ about how to effectively engage the postmodern generation in spiritual activities.…

Ministering in the Tabernacle: Spatiality and the Christology of Hebrews1

Author: Dr Annang Asumang
Two of the perplexing features of Hebrews, its Christological comparisons and the spatial emphases are intertwined. Application of appropriate sociological and literary theories in Spatiality…

A Critique of the Scientific Dating Methods Used by Young Earth Creationism to Prove a Global Cataclysmic Deluge: A Case Study of the Grand Canyon’s Geology.

Author: Dr Mark Pretorius
Science is always performed from one perspective or another, because prejudice, bias or inclination is inherent in our human nature. Arie Leegwater (2009) believes that…

Biblical guidelines for the counselling of pastors in the Bluff area, on Divorce and Remarriage with reference to Matthew 19:1-10

Author: Du Plessis, Christo Andre (dickie)
This study is an attempt to provide Biblical guidelines for the counselling of pastors in the Bluff area, Durban on Divorce and Remarriage with special…

Towards an Effective Approach of Communicating Scripture for Evangelising the Oral Communities in Central Gonja, Ghana

Author: Dubei, Ruben
The main aim of this study is to develop an effective approach of communicating Scripture for evangelizing oral communities, with special reference to Central Gonja,…

The opinions expressed in this thesis do not necessarily reflect the views of the South African Theological Seminary. MARITAL COUNSELLING IN THE CONTEXT OF THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF RWANDA

Author: Elisabeth H. Verwijs-vogel
This thesis is based on the research that has been carried out on marital counselling within the context of the Anglican Church of Rwanda, Diocese…


Author: Ewald Ferdinand Franklin Gregor
Met heeft in verschillende delen van de wereld onderzoek gedaan naar de inzichten op het gebied van geestelijk leiderschap in de plaatselijke gemeente. Er zijn…

The Parallel Structure of Proverbs

Author: Gaultney, Monroe
This paper is intended to be a part of a textbook for learning how to communicate in the Biblical fashion of parallelism. The research question…

A Missiological Strategy for the Church of The Nazarene to Reach Children in Swaziland

Author: Gonzalez, Trino
Systems and values have driven society through history; many of these values cannot be deleted from societies and is passed from generation to generation. The…

Perceiving God’s Voice: What can We Reasonably Expect to Experience when God Speaks?

Author: Goosen, Hugh Ralph
Perceiving God’s voice: what can we reasonably expect to experience when God speaks? The aim of this practical-theological study is to investigate what the average…

Why School Leavers Abandon Church

Author: Gurney, Nadine
What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the…

New Wine into New Wineskins: Church Growth and Revitalisation

Author: Haase, John Martin
Our Lord Jesus Christ was able to speak with deep profundity in brief statements, making effective use of parabolic figures. Luke 5:38 is one example,…

Islam and Christianity: A Comparative Missiological Analysis

Author: Harris, Randy Thomas
The continual rise and influence of Islam around the world is cause for Christians of every nation to better equip themselves for the glorious task…

Identification of Problems and Possible Solutions in Communicating the Gospel to the Saramaccan Maroons of the Upper Suriname River

Author: Harry, Kervin Codric
The Republic of Suriname is one of the most culturally diverse countries on the continent of South America, situated on the North Eastern coast of…

Theological, Educational and Sociological Foundations of Christian Education: The Development and Implementation of a 2-Standard

Author: Heskett, John M.
This research endeavours to examine the Biblical, theological and sociological foundations of Christian education; develop a 12-standards model for evaluating Christian education in a postmodern…

Christianity and the Postmodern Turn; A Critique of Postmodern Epistemology

Author: Hock Siew Lee
This thesis is loosely based on the main arguments raised by postmodern and orthodox theologians as discussed in the book, Christianity and the Postmodern Turn.…

Determining Learning Outcomes for a BTh Programme

Author: Howitt, Quinton John
It is patently true that the last 100 years of the previous millennium saw exponential changes in sociology, science and technology, industry and commerce in…

Aportes de la hermenéutica contemporánea para la proclamación de la palabra en el ámbito evangélico latinoamericano.

Author: Ismael Andrés Szkarlatiuk
El objetivo de este trabajo se desdobla en tres partes. En primer lugar determinar en qué sentido la hermenéutica filosófica ha sido una influencia positiva…

The nature of Christ’s habitation in Ephesians 3:17a: A Philological, Conceptual, Historical, Exegetical and Theological Analysis.

Author: Izaak Connoway
Ephesians 3:16-19 is filled with syntactical oddities. My survey of the scholarly literature indicated that 3:17 has received less attention than the other verses. It…

La doctrina cristiana del estado intermedio entre la vida y la muerte –Un análisis crítico y exegético desde una perspectiva cesacionista–

Author: Jesús Manuel Caramés Tenreiro
El proceso inmediato a la muerte del creyente es un misterio sobre el cual se han propuesto múltiples conjeturas. Aunque en general se postula que…

A Comparative Analysis of the Distinction between Law and Gospel in Gerhard Forde and Confessional Lutheranism.

Author: Jordan Cooper
The distinction between the law and the gospel is at the heart of Lutheran reformational theology. Due to this fact, there have been several debates…


Author: Jose Moretto
El tema central que nos permite el desarrollo de este trabajo es la espiritualidad encontrada en la palabra de Dios, el problema fundamental que procuramos…

“Global Christianity: Trends in Mission and the Relationship with Non-Western Missionaries Working Cross-Culturally in Thailand”

Author: Joseph Paul Charles
The church in the West, in the modern era of missions, has played the lead role in sending out missionaries and working cross-culturally. At the…

The Biblical and Theological Examination of prosperity Theology and its Impact Among the Poor in Namibia

Author: Kasera, Basilius M
This thesis conducts a biblical and theological analysis of the prosperity theology’s (PT) impact amongst the poor. The main problem is to seek ways of…

Misión Urbana con Incidencia Comunitaria

Author: Lic. Marco Polo
In the last decades it has emerged a renewed interest about the dimension of social responsibility of the church. This new look has been the…

Behavioral Sciences and Christian Mission: Implications for cross-cultural ministry workers

Author: Lockard, Anna-marie
Relatively new to the study of missiology has been the recognition of the three behavioral sciences of: sociology, anthropology, and psychology and their potential for…

Mission in Creative Tension: Paradigm Shifts in Relationship to Church and Mission

Author: Lockard, Anna-marie
The focus of this thesis was to identify and examine the reasons for a paradigm shift in relationship to the Church in mission and to…

Common Witness: A Contemporary Approach to Islam

Author: Lockard, Anna-marie
This study has shown that today’s 21st church of Jesus Christ must abandon the notion that Islam is a formidable foe. Rather, Islam must be…

The Impact Of Witchcraft On The Friends Church In Lugari- Western Kenya

Author: Lugwili, Elly
This research was written to investigate the impact of witchcraft in the Friends Church. The research aimed to make a theological contribution in fashioning an…

A Theological Examination of Adventist Pre-Advent Investigative Judgment

Author: Majola, Phumlani Lucky
This research analyses and evaluates the Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) theology of Pre-Advent Investigative Judgment (PAIJ), based on Scripture. This research begins with a historical analysis…

Restoring and Involving Black Single Mothers in the Whole Church Program in the Full Gospel Church Of God In South Africa: A Case Study of District Three in the Limpopo Province

Author: Makhubele, Hasani Daniel
The main research problem in this study is to investigate what strategies the local church should use to restore and involve single mothers in the…

A Training Programme for Promoting Church Growth in the Ebenezer Baptist Church, P E, In Terms Of Schwarz’s Model of a Healthy Church

Author: Mangwana, Mlungisi S.
This study is an attempt to develop a training programme for promoting church growth in the Ebenezer Baptist Church, New Brighton, Port Elizabeth based on…

Das islamische Weltbild in der Seelsorge Die Berücksichtigung des islamischen Weltbildes in der Verwendung des WurzelFrucht Seelsorgekonzeptes an Ex-Muslimen

Author: Marco Gusset
Seelsorge unter Menschen aus einem anderen kulturellen Hintergrund ist ein Thema, welches nicht nur in Deutschland eine wachsende Bedeutung bekommen sollte. Wir hatten nach der…

Agikuyu Christian Martyrs: An Exploratory Study of the Faith of Selected Agikuyu Christian Martyrs During the Mau Mau Period in Kenya (1952 – 1960

Author: Mbugua, Johnson Ng‘ang‘a
The purpose of this study was to bring to light the source of faith of Agikuyu Christians who were martyred during the Mau Mau period…

A Biblical Theology of Community and its Relevance to Early Twenty First Century Zambia

Author: Mckay, Grant Evan
Due to rapid urbanisation, the spread of HIV/AIDS and the growing influence of Western culture, Zambia is undergoing great changes in the early twenty-first century.…

Towards a Communication Strategy for Keeping the Message of Biblical Holiness in the North Carolina Church of the Nazarene Relevant in the 21st Century

Author: Medley, Mark
This research thesis is focused on communicating the doctrine of holiness to persons in the twenty-first century, specifically those who are active participants in the…

Biblical Church Governance and the CityHill Church Network: A Comparative Study

Author: Mellish, Douglas
The purpose of this chapter is to orientate the reader to the research topic, namely, leadership in and governance of the church and, in particular,…

The Doctrine of the Sufficiency of Scripture and its Implications for Biblical Counselling

Author: Möller, Ruach
Prior to the late twentieth century theologians very rarely gave explicit attention to the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture. In the last fifteen years…

Towards a ministry model for promoting a Christian Lifestyle at Harvest Hills Church in Burlington, North Carolina, USA

Author: Morris, Russell Alexander
This study is an attempt to provide a ministry model for promoting a Christian lifestyle at Harvest Hills Church in Burlington, North Carolina, USA. In…

A Critical Analysis of Secularism on Individual Eschatology: Conceptual Implications for Christians in Modern Zambia

Author: Moyo, Derick Brown
Modern Zambia is at crossroads with regard to the choice for a national ideology that must be on Zambia’s national constitution. One side argues for…

Placing the poor within the current [prophetic] ministry of the Pentecostal Assemblies of God of Zambia (PAOG (Z)) pastors

Author: Mumba, Gabriel
The Pentecostal church in Zambia is steadily losing its understanding of the “prophetic ministry” as hundreds of prophets have surfaced and misplaced the “prophetic ministry”…

A Proposed Remedy Against Barbarity of Rape in Kitale, Kenya: A Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Analysis

Author: Murrey, Kennedy Kimagut
In the recent past, Kenyans have witnessed various rape cases; that involved men of all ages. It is ironical that most of those involved in…


Author: Mzayifani Mzebetshana
The epistle to the Hebrews is a paranaetic homily written with the specific purpose of addressing the socio-historical situation of the first hearers. These first…

‘Let Us Hold Fast To Our Confession’: The Role Of The Theme Of Faithfulness In The Rhetorical Strategy Employed By The Author Of The Epistle To The Hebrews To Address The Pastoral Problems Of The First Hearers

Author: Mzebetshana, Mzayifani
The epistle to the Hebrews is a paranaetic homily written with the specific purpose of addressing the socio-historical situation of the first hearers. These first…

Religious Pluralism: Possibility and Limitations of a Dialogue Respectful of Biblical Christian Identity

Author: N’diaye, Mamadou
In the dawn of the twenty century, voices raised to call Christianity to reconsider its relation to non-Christian traditions in a world that was turning…

A Determination of Effects of Stress to Pastors’ Wives on Church Ministries Performance: A Case of Bungoma South District

Author: Nandasaba Tryphosa Liyala
Stress to an individual, can either be positive or negative depending on various things, such as conditions or environment under which individuals experience it and…

Japanese Ancestral Practices: A Contextualised Teaching Tool on the Afterlife in the Local Church (Hibachi Theology)

Author: Nesbitt, Mariana
The vexing multi-dimensional question of Japanese Ancestral Practices is central to most missiological studies in the Japanese church. Statistics show the need for new strategies…

A Strategy for Promoting the Use of the Vernacular Scriptures in the Cameroon Baptist Convention Churches in Nso’ Tribe, Cameroon: A Biblical Perspective

Author: Ngeh, Samuel
This research was prompted by the observation that there is minimal use of Lamnso’ scriptures in Baptist churches in Nso’, even though the Lamnso’ New…

Christ and The Church as a Paradigm for Marriage: An Evaluation of Christian Pre – Marital Counselling Programmes in Kenya

Author: Njoroge, Purity Mùmbi
The thesis examined Christian Pre – marital counselling among evangelical churches in Kenya . The study set out to investigate the hypothesis that ― Churches…

(French) Responsabilite Des Pasteurs De L’eglise De Pentecote Du Rwanda Dans Le Ministere D’enseignement Biblique A La Lumiere Des Epitres Pastorales

Author: Nsanzimana, Jean Bosco
Quand en Décembre 2010 je me suis enrôlé pour le programme de Maîtrise à SATS, mon plan était de le faire dans deux ans en…

A Biblical-Theological Analysis of Matthew 6:19-34 to Clarify The Relationship Between the Christian Disciple and Money

Author: O’donoghue Darrell
This thesis conducts a biblical-theological analysis of Matthew 6:19-34. The main problem is to clarify what this passage of scripture teaches about the relationship between…

A Biblical and Theological Study (Analysis) of Marriage and Divorce Among Igbo Catholic Christians (Nigeria).

Author: Oforchukwu Joachim Ifezuo
The question of “marriage and divorce” is one of the toughest issues that faces the Igbo church in the 21st century. Unfortunately, not all Christian…

The Impact of Cultural Beliefs on the Understanding of Salvation in the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church in Vihiga District, Kenya.

Author: Omuga, Julius M
The Impact of Cultural Beliefs in the Understanding of Salvation in the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church in Vihiga District, Kenya, was investigated to have…

De essentie van missionaire vorming van zendelingen van de Vergadering van Gelovigen bij de zendingsopdracht

Author: Patrick J. Tanck Msc
Een zendelinge schreef het volgende verhaal: ‘Na een tijdje in het zendelingsland maakte ik kennis met een man. Hij vroeg mij later ten huwelijk en…

The High View of Scripture: Reading the Synoptics and Paul

Author: Phillips Mark
This research shows that critical studies of the Synoptic Problem and the new perspective on Paul support the reliability of the biblical texts. These studies…

Leadership Styles and Personality Types

Author: Pretorius, Wayne
Leadership is a common phenomenon on every level of life, even the church. Scholars regard leadership in the church as the most important aspect of…

The Determination of Learning Outcomes of Modules at a B.Th Level for Training and Educating Pastors and members of South African Local Churches, and the Relationship of these Learning Outcomes to the Study of Systematic Theology.

Author: Quinton John Howitt.
It is patently true that the last 100 years of the previous millennium saw exponential changes in sociology, science and technology, industry and commerce in…

Christliche Individualpsychologie Möglichkeit oder Fiktion?

Author: Rahel Sondheimer
Manchmal kommt es anders, als man denkt. So war ich im Jahre 2012 überzeugt, dass ich das Studium der Theologie bald abgeschlossen hätte. Diese Überzeugung…

Towards a Christian Pastoral Approach to Cambodian Culture

Author: Ravasco, Gerard G
The world we live in We live in a time of Globalization, where we find ourselves rubbing shoulders, working together and living with all kinds…

A Biblical Evaluation of Pastoral Remuneration Practices of the Baptist Churches in Antananarivo, Madagascar, with Specific Reference to 1 Timothy 5:17–18

Author: Razafindrakoto, Tovonirina
This research will discuss the issue of pastors’ remuneration within the Biblical Baptist churches of Antananarivo. The actual circumstances of each pastor and the context…

The Biblical Role of the Pastor’s wife: A Case Study of Churches in Somerset West, Western Cape

Author: Rebuli, Leschenne Darmé
This research discusses the role of the pastor’s wife in the local church, with special emphasis on wives living in Somerset West, Western Cape. Ten…


Author: Rev. Devin Atherstone
The research discusses the manner in how hospital chaplains can form part of a broader medical team, in two medical institutes in Somerset West, Western…

Cómo pensar la misión de la iglesia contemporánea, a los 40 años del Pacto de Lausana, en el contexto urbano de las ciudades latinoamericanas.

Author: Ricardo M. Bedrossian
En este año 2014 se cumplen cuatro décadas del denominado “Pacto de Lausana” (1974- 2014), fue un documento que estableció una hoja de ruta acerca…

A Rhetorical Exegetical Study of the Warning Passage in Hebrews Chapter 6 in the light of its Old Testament Background

Author: Simutowe, Alice Nyirenda
Of the difficult warning passages of the Epistle to the Hebrews, Heb 6:4-6 remains one of its most challenging. The debates on the passage range…

La teología de la misión de C. René Padilla frente a las críticas de José Míguez Bonino y Ricardo Gondim/b>

Author: Soares, Amorim J
En esta tesis, el objeto de estudio es la Teología de la Misión, una teología que busca interrelacionar tres áreas relacionadas a la misión: la…

A Brief, Critical History of Zion Evangelical Ministries of Africa among the amaZioni of southern Africa with special reference to its relationship with the Christian Catholic Church of Zion”

Author: Sullivan, Andrew Leslie
This thesis is a brief overview of the history of a missionary organization that specializes in ministering to the amaZioni of southern Africa. The word…

A critical analysis of premillennial dispensationalism’s interpretation of Daniels 70 weeks

Author: Tamblyn-watts, Adrian
This study has sought to establish a link between the theological belief system put forward by Premillennial Dispensationalism and the apparent social disengagement of those…

An Investigation into the Causes of Divorce Amongst the Evangelical Church Members in Namakgale Township

Author: Tembe, Matthews Mangaliso
The high rate of divorce around Namakgale Township, especially amongst church members was a great concern to this study. In the meetings with pastors it…


Author: Tryphosa Liyala Nandasaba
Stress to an individual, can either be positive or negative depending on various things, such as conditions or environment under which individuals experience it and…

An Evangelical Contextual Missiological Approach to Mission Praxis in Africa: An Indigenous South African Perspective (1950 – 2005)

Author: Tsehle, Andries Ramohlakore
The gospel of Jesus has been widely and joyfully received by many indigenous South Africans. Yet there is without doubt a huge need for most…

A Strategy for the Development of a Sustainable Sports Ministry Using Mission Outreach Through Soccer in Selected Churches in Tshwane

Author: Tucker, Timothy
The main aim of this study is to develop a strategy that can equip pastors and churches to develop a sustainable sports ministry using mission…

An Exegetical and Theological Study of Malachi 3:8-12 And Its Implications for Christians, with Particular Reference to Tithing

Author: Van Der Merwe, Jo-anne Iris
This thesis discusses the implications of Malachi 3:8-12 in relation to its bearing on New Testament giving in general, and on Christian tithing in particular.…

Children in Crisis: Imperatives and Strategies for the Church in South Africa

Author: Van Rensburg, Beverley Anne
This thesis dealt specifically with the topic of children in crisis from a global and then a South African perspective. Child care, or the lack…

A Framework for Church Leadership

Author: Van Zyl Slabbert, Frederick
Church leadership is identified as a vital theological issue facing the twentyfirst century church in the midst of negative church growth statistics as well as…

Biblical Principles For The Retention Of Officers In The Salvation Army (Southern Africa)

Author: Venter, Marieka W
This study is an investigation into the sustainability of Salvation Army Officership as a lifelong career. An empirical study based on questionnaires and interviews, was…

Marital Counselling in the Context of the Anglican Church of Rwanda

Author: Verwijs-vogel, Elisabeth H
This thesis is based on the research that has been carried out on marital counselling within the context of the Anglican Church of Rwanda, Diocese…

Towards a Theology of Interactive Homiletics: An Investigation of Theological Validity

Author: Warby, Paul
Traditionally when evangelical homiletic works have developed theory on the medium, or form, of homilies they have focused primarily on the giving of speeches; that…

God’s Judgment Upon Egypt in Isaiah 19:1-15: It’s Probable Reasons And Some Implications for Contemporary Africa

Author: Watt Peter G.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether Isaiah 19:1-15 has any relevance and implications for contemporary Africa. Isaiah 19:1-15 is used as the…

A Model for Promoting Evangelism Through Sports and Recreation Ministry: Specifically the South African Dutch Reformed Church

Author: Wiegand, Heinrich Johann
The primary purpose of this study was to develop a model for the promotion of evangelism through a Sports and Recreation Ministry, specifically within the…

Jews And Gentiles In The Ecclesia: Evaluating The Theory Of Intra-Ecclesial Jew-Gentile Distinction

Author: Woods, David
Elements of the Jewish faith tradition, including Torah observance and other Jewish practice, appear to be increasingly common among believers in Jesus. This development is…

Contemporary Challenges to the Gospel: Incipient Gnosticism and Johannine Teaching on the Resurrection

Author: Woods, Nicholas
Within the past generation, a new school of scholars has arisen who view the texts discovered at Nag Hammadi as equal to or even superior…

(French) Evaluation Critique De La Conception Du « Cordon Ombilical Spirituel » Dans L’eglise Protestante Evangelique De L’alliance Chretienne Et Missionnaire De Cote D’ivoire Au Regard D’ezechiel 18

Author: Yao, Serge-armand
Cette étude a pour objectif d’évaluer la conception du « cordon ombilical spirituel » au regard d’Ezéchiel 18. La question principale de la problématique est…

Discipleship Of Inadequately Trained Christian Workers In A Persecuted Society In Lahore, Pakistan

Author: Yousaf, Aneel
This dissertation “Discipleship of Inadequately Trained Christian Workers in a Persecuted Society in Lahore, Pakistan” reveals the crucial need for discipleship training in the city…
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