This Course will explore the concepts of lay, pastoral, and professional Christian counselling, explain why there is a need for counselling, and provide a practical introduction to the foundations of a biblical approach. Topics covered will include the concept of Christian counselling, the call to the counselling ministry, characteristics of Christian counsellors, the integration of theology and psychology, and an introduction to the Paraklesis model.
This Course will lay the foundation for an integrative Christian counselling approach that is Christ centered, biblically based, Spirit led, and psychologically sound.
* This is a required prerequisite for all the other counselling courses and serves as the foundational model for the counselling program.

Once you have completed this Course you should be able to:

  1. Explain the need for Christian counselling
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of Christian counselling and its Biblical basis
  3. Understand the foundational principles of Christian counselling
  4. Define Christian counselling and describe the unique characteristics (principles) of Christian counselling
  5. Apply an integrative bio-psycho-social-spiritual approach to Christian counselling
  6. Justify lay, pastoral and professional Christian counselling as a legitimate ministry
  7. Describe the call to the ministry in general, and the call to counselling as a specific ministry
  8. Identify the characteristics of effective helpers
  9. Explain the concept “paraklesis” as the proprium of Christian counselling
  10. Understand the difference between a “biblical model” and a “biblically based model” for counselling
  11. Name the unique goals of Christian counselling
  12. Integrate theology and psychology and formulate a dynamic model of integration for Christian counselling
  13. Lay the foundation for an integrative approach to Christian counselling
  14. Understand the Bio-psycho-social-spiritual approach to counselling
  15. Describe the Paraklesis model of Christian Counselling